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Currently Under Development


In the Jan application, engines serve as primary entities with the following capabilities:

  • Engine will be installed through inference-extensions.
  • Models will depend on engines to do inference.
  • Engine configuration and required metadata will be stored in a json file.

Folder Structure

  • Default parameters for engines are stored in JSON files located in the /engines folder.
  • These parameter files are named uniquely with engine_id.
  • Engines are referenced directly using engine_id in the model.json file.

Engine Default Parameter Files

  • Each inference engine requires default parameters to function in cases where user-provided parameters are absent.
  • These parameters are stored in JSON files, structured as simple key-value pairs.


Here is an example of an engine file for engine_id nitro:

"ctx_len": 512,
"ngl": 100,
"embedding": false,
"n_parallel": 1,
"cont_batching": false
"prompt_template": "<|im_start|>system\n{system_message}<|im_end|>\n<|im_start|>user\n{prompt}<|im_end|>\n<|im_start|>assistant"

For detailed engine parameters, refer to: Nitro's Model Settings

Adding an Engine

  • Engine parameter files are automatically generated upon installing an inference-extension in the Jan application.